Volleyball League
New for 2025 Volleyball Season
Start time 5 o'clock
Minimum 8 teams-Max 14 teams
(More info to come)
Sign-ups: Are in the Beginning of March 2025 at Kelly's Korner.
***Teams that have played the year prior are invited back the first day of sign-ups and allowed to switch to any of the night(s) of their choosing. We advise you to send in a team representative as soon as possible so you can lock in your prefered night(s) of play.
If there are spots available after the first day of sign-ups, we will then inform the public about those said spots and open up sign-ups to them the following day via the Facebook page.
*No spots will be reserved unless money is put down*
Only Cash or Check accepted. Checks are to be made out to Kelly's Korner Bar.
No Credit Cards (we do have an ATM on location if necessary)***
More details on what time sign-ups begin will be posted on the Volleyball Facebook page.
Please call the restaurant or message our volleyball facebook page to ask if there are any available slots.
Follow our Kelly's Korner Volleyball Facebook Page for updates 2025 Spring/Fall Sessions!
Or contact our volleyball coordinator
Justine via [email protected]
or 651-493-6626
When sign-ups come around, please consider the following:
Mondays are for beginners D LEVEL (+ drinking contest), Starts at 6- Last Game is scheduled at 9:30
Tuesdays have played before C LEVEL ( + drinking contest)," "
Wednesdays are good but enjoy the night out B LEVEL, " "
Thursdays are our advanced league and need plenty of past volleyball experience to play A LEVEL, Starts at 6- Last game is scheduled at 9
Sundays are open to all levels of play- Sunday Funday! (Upcoming 2025 Season), Starts at 5- Last game is scheduled (depending on how many teams sign-up).
2 Outdoor Sand Courts
{2 Sessions-9 Weeks of League Play & 3 Weeks of Playoffs;
30 minute League Play Slots Sunday-Wednesday & 45 minute League Play Slots Thursdays }
Volleyball Regulations:
*By participating in the league, all players, including substitutes and joiners, consent to being recorded through photos and videos while on Kelly’s Korner Property. If any player or joiner objects to being recorded, they must inform the volleyball coordinator or the manager on duty before participation. Otherwise, participation implies consent to be recorded and have media shared publicly via: Kelly’s Korner Facebook Page, Kelly’s Korner Volleyball Facebook Page, Kelly’s Korner Website.
*ALL PLAYERS MUST BE 21 YEARS OF AGE!!!!! This is a requirement by our insurance company, and any team caught violating this rule will be asked to resign for the session (with no reimbursement).
*Please be mindful to start your games on time. We have tightly scheduled sessions and need to keep things running to stay in compliance with the city ordinance.
*All games are to be played to 21 points, with a cap of 25 points. Regular session plays two games to 21 points, and the playoffs are best of 3 games, with the 3rd game ending at 15 points, with a cap of 17 points.
*It is your responsibility to circle your wins. If you do not, Kelly’s will assign each team one win for the night.
*Guy to Girl Ratio Rule- There can be only 1 more guy than there is girl present on the court at a time. Unless given the okay by the opposing team. Ex: 4 guys and 2 girls=NO; 3 guys and 2 girls=OK
-Any team may play a minimum of 2 players and a maximum of 6 players on the court during leagues and playoffs if the Guy to Girl Ratio Rule is still being followed.
*Regarding playoffs: A team cannot utilize a sub from another team within that same league night: UNLESS they have subbed on that team the required amount of times during the prior session AND have been eliminated from the current playoffs (with all remaining teams approval);
-Playoffs are to be played with people from your team that have participated in at least two nights during the league session play.
-IF, there is an extreme circumstance that calls for a sub on your team for playoffs (that would technically be in violation of the minimum two nights played in a session) in order for your team to be eligible to play, the captain must contact the volleyball director who then will decide whether it is a justifiable reason or not.
*Roster updates can be made anytime during the session BESIDES the last night of leagues or during playoffs.
*Kelly’s Korner WILL NOT tolerate any instances of player misconduct, including but not limited to offensive language or hate speech, cursing or name calling, verbal altercations or abuse, “smack talk” or intentional efforts to distract or degrade opponents, or physical intimidation tactics. Any player in violation of player conduct rules will be subject to a one-week suspension. Subsequent violations will result in permanent expulsion from the league, with a forfeiture of fees. Teams will be subject to suspension if multiple players are involved in any instance of misconduct. Any disrespect or degradation of Kelly’s staff or representative is subject to the same penalties.
*Absolutely NO outside music/speakers allowed at Kelly’s Korner. We have very specific noise restrictions, as well as licensing agreements with music companies that we are responsible for maintaining. We have approved channels and playlists for a reason and ask that players respect our business-specific channels.
Volleyball Rules of Play:
*If a ball from another court interferes with the play, the affected team has the discretion to decide whether to play the ball or call off the play.
*Any net interference (including under the net) results in the loss of the point. While we realize updated VB rules state it is legal if it “doesn’t interfere with the play,” we are not adopting this rule for our league. Player safety is our top priority, so please be mindful of your contact on the net.
*The Other Guy/Girl Rule: If more than one contact is made on a side, a female player must be involved in at least one of the touches. If the ball is sent over in a single hit, either a male or female player may do so, but for two or three contacts, a female player is required to participate.
*Breaking the plane: “The FIVB (International Federation of Volleyball) has set clear rules that players cannot break through their opponents’ space except under certain circumstances. These include executing a follow-through after an attack hit, blocking against an opponent’s attack hit once they have completed their three hits, or if invited by opponents due to ball straying towards them without being returned properly.”
-In summary, a player may only break the plane if one of these three instances occur: ”After three contacts by one team; If no other player could potentially reach and hit back at the blocked ball; When there isn’t anyone available on either side who can possibly make another attempt at gaining control – these are instances when penetrating through the vertical plane becomes permissible under game laws.”
- *On designated competition nights there will be a featured ‘Drink of the Night.’ Teams can participate in the contest by ordering this drink, making them eligible to compete in the drinking challenge.
- *The drinking contest may include 2-4-1 Happy Hour, but and drinks consumed during 3-6p.m. will only count as drink, not two, towards the competition.
- *Only official team members are eligible to participate in the drinking contest.
- *To be eligible to win the drinking competition, participating teams must consume a minimum of 60 drinks.
- *Each individual itemized tab, listing the drinks, must be submitted to your server with your team’s name clearly written at the top. Tabs without this information will not be counted.
- *At the end of the session, the Volleyball Coordinator will tally each team’s purchased drinks from every competition night. The team with the highest total will have their session for the following year paid for by that night’s sponsor.
- **Each year consists of two volleyball sessions. Therefore, there will be two chances to win the drinking contest.
Updated 2/4/2025